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Raymond L'Abbé

Lawyer, Accredited civil mediator and Arbitrator
  • Québec Bar
  • Université de Montréal (LL.L.)
  • Québec Bar
  • Institut de médiation et d'arbitrage du Québec (IMAC), Accredited Member
  • L'Association du Barreau canadien
  • Lacavie (NPO), Administrator

Pénélope Sénéchal-Gauthier
+1-514-842-8891 extension 8246


English, French

Raymond L’Abbé is a multidisciplinary litigant who mainly works in the areas of commercial law, co-ownership law, real estate and construction law, hidden defects, and insurance. Ever on the lookout for changes in the construction industry and backed by wide-ranging expertise on the subject, he is often called on to represent the various entrepreneurs in the milieu, including contractors, professional firms, clients and condominium syndicates.

He also works in labour relations and acts as counsel and human resources advisor for a number of businesses, including semi-public companies.

He has published several law articles in the course of his career and has collaborated in writing the JurisClasseur Québec encyclopedia collection. He has also been invited to give several conferences on construction law and taught at the École du Barreau du Québec.


Nomination by Best Lawyers Canada for:

  • Construction Law (2022, 2023, 2024, 2025)


Articles available in French.

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